Minggu, 12 Februari 2017

Awesome Algae Eaters Tropical Fish Tanks: Golden Otocinclus

Awesome Algae Eaters Tropical Fish Tanks: Golden Otocinclus – The Golden Otocinclus Catfish is an excellent addition to a peaceful tank that is planted along with a tiny school of them can form a great algae clean-up team. Golden Otocinclus Catfish prefer to hang out under and on plant leaves as well as sucking on the tank glass.

Photo copyright from planetcatfish.com 

Awesome Algae Eaters Tropical Fish Tanks: Golden Otocinclus

Yet, Golden Otocinclus Catfish can be just a little reclusive occasionally and providing places to hide may help make them feel safe. Since they can be very bashful it's recommended to prevent keeping them with exceedingly aggressive tank mates or other fish large enough to eat them.

This can be little species. Colour of the body is brown-creamy with grey, irregular spots and light under-side. There is a dark, horizontal stripe to the bottom of the caudal fin from the nostrils through the eye. There is also narrow, creamy-golden, flat stripe on the sides of the fish, above the dark stripe.

Golden Otocinclus are located primarily in small to medium-sized streams with average flow. They're typically caught in grasses and aquatic plants, particularly among marginal plant life with a lot of little leaves.

General Body Type

An elongated fish with a level belly and also a slightly curved back. The mouth faces down as could be anticipated from a sucker type fish. This fish has no barbels or adipose fin.


A Otocinclus feeds on soft algae accumulation growing on hard surfaces of the tank. That its vital that you make sure the tank is clean, but not “ too clean”. Otocinclus food also can include supplements for example algae wafers as well as some fresh vegetables like zucchini slices that are green.


The oto can be troublesome to acclimate to the home aquarium, but supplied the water conditions are correct and there is some green food they should really be OK. The set up should be well established using a sand or gravel substrate, an algae development that is established or Densely planted with live plants is vital.

While they'll take flake food and sinking pellets the natural greens are essential to provide appropriate health. The softer bodied plants will be eaten by them, if no alga is accessible. Provide filtering and good water flow. Best keep in groups the real number will vary upon tank size.


Otocinclus can also do well in freshwater shrimp tanks and freshwater snail tanks. Snails can include the likes of Malaysian Trumpet Snails, Ramshorn Snails, Mystery Snails, Golden Inca Snails, Ivory Snails, Nerite Snails and Pond Snails. Shrimp can include species like Vampire Shrimp Bamboo Shrimp, Red Cherry Shrimp, Ghost Shrimp, Amano Shrimp and Whisker Shrimp. Its not wise to keep Otocinclus Catfish in tanks with Goldfish, Cichlids or aquarium crayfish.


This is an oviparous species which spawn rather uncommon in the aquarium. Eggs are laid by female among components that are cosmetic or among plants, close to aquarium glass. Feed and the fry starts to swim 3 days afterwards. This fry is very small and gentle. The species normally comes from significance plus it acclimates to life in captivity. The fish often die within the very first week of live in the aquarium.

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Awesome Algae Eaters Tropical Fish Tanks: Golden Otocinclus
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