Selasa, 07 Februari 2017

Awesome Algae Eaters Tropical Fish Tanks: Magnum Pleco

Awesome Algae Eaters Tropical Fish Tanks: Magnum Pleco –
Neotropical Ichthyology 9, pp. 241–252. Supply this fish Endemic to the rio Xingu basin in Pará state, Brazil, where it inhabits a segment of the river’s chief channel as ‘Volta Grande do rio Xingu’ right above Belo Monte known falls. It’s also been collected in the upper rio Curuá, a tributary of the rio Iriri which is an affluent of the Xingu.

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Awesome Algae Eaters Tropical Fish Tanks: Magnum Pleco

This can be only one of my favourite Loricarias for the larger aquarium although they're not actually a species for the beginner in the hobby as they're specialised feeders and are generally territorial as adults.

They mightn't be as bright coloured as some other members of this family, never the less the subtle differences involving fin edge colours and the body come in my mind very striking.

This species is famous from Rio Curuá, Rio Iriri, which can be the the largest tributary of the Rio Xingu, and from the Rio Xingu, promptly above Belo Monte drops in the place called Volta Grande do rio Xingu and below the village of Belo Monte.


Omnivorous. A basic diet of large pellets, sticks, and wafers along with balls of market shrimp, blood worms, frozen brine shrimp, or mussels is readily taken. Occasionally feed vegetables also such as spinach, kale, cucumber, and canned green beans that have been rinsed.

Baryancistrus spp. Are frequently under-nourished and/or suffering from health problems post-importation and might need an extended period of quarantine and acclimatisation. They may initially require several meals each day and also have a metabolic rate that is relatively high.


Dorsal spines (total): 2; Dorsal soft rays (total): 7; Anal soft rays: 5. This genus is big and high backed. They long stemmed teeth and have a large suckermouth with a large number of slim. A small membrane lies behind the final ray. Head large and broad; snout round in dorsal view. Eye big and round, iris operculum present.

Orbit not elevated; interorbital area flat. No ridge between nares and eyes. Supraoccipital procedure nearly indistinct from rest of bone, not elevated, round and elevated. Supraoccipital limited with some of large quadrangular plates closely joined.

Behavior and Compatibility

Juveniles are comparatively peaceful but males in particular as they age, become highly intolerant of conspecifics and normally aggressive towards some other fish viewed as a threat that is territorial.

It’s hence best kept with species that inhabit other areas of the tank with moderate-to-large sized characids especially acceptable. In aquaria that are rather large maybe you are capable to join it with other catfishes or keep a group provided care is taken to provide adequate territorial space and visual impediments when laying out the décor.


Broad orange to yellowish band across the whole distal edge of dorsal and caudal fin.

Paler ventrally. Really faint pale spots over body, barely visible on fins. Narrower in adults, juveniles with whitish orange band on distal fourth of dorsal and caudal fins.
Added information'

Underneath the DATZ code L047 or the substitute vernacular name ‘magnum pleco’ this species was traded prior to description.

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Awesome Algae Eaters Tropical Fish Tanks: Magnum Pleco
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